The old town

Chapel of Our Lady of Grace

This chapel, dedicated to Madonna delle Grazie, is located on the site of a 14th century Trinity Church, belonging to the Convent of the “Umiliati”, just outside the walls of Borgo Nuovo, near Porta Folla. In 1595, it became the abode of the “Certosini of Montebenedetto and Banda”.

Via Umberto I, 10051 Avigliana TO

011 931 1873

The actual short aisle is attached to the chancel, partially retrieved from the demolition of the convent wanted by Carlo Emanuele I during the renewal of the fortification system of Avigliana in 1630.
It was later re-opened for worship by the same monks, from whom the name derives, and kept until 1773 when handed over to a pharmacist, Gallizio di Avigliana, and used as private chapel for his contiguous residence, the actual Primary School Norberto Rosa.
The church houses a precious 15th century “coro ligneo”, who’s origins are from the Augustinian convent of Avigliana, brought after dissolution of same.


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